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?ユ?锛???妗???绌舵??   |  ??瀛?锛?
缂?杈?锛? ?????   |  瀹℃?革?

涓?nbsp;   棰?锛???妗???瀹崇???╂??缁??у?剁郴??涓?棰?璁插骇涔???妗?涓昏???瀹虫??缁??у?讹?

          浠??虹??板??ㄧ??绌?br> 涓诲????浣?锛???妗???绌舵?? ??涓?绉?瀛︾??绌堕??br> ?ュ???堕?达?12??9?ワ???????锛?  

?ュ??涓?锛?RNAi designs for use in crop improvements (?ㄤ?浣??╂?硅????RNAi璁捐?)
?ュ??浜猴?Ming-Bo Wang (CSIRO Agriculture, Australia)
    Dr. Ming-Bo Wang, professor of CSIRO Agriculture, Australia. His researches focus on molecular mechanisms of plant disease resistance and insect resistance. He was awarded the Prime Minister??s Prize for Science and The Bulletin??s Smartest Scientists in 2007 for the first discovery of RNA-interference-induced gene silencing in plants with Peter Waterhouse. By 2009, Ming-Bo was a Principal Research Scientist in CSIRO Plant Industry running a group studying the function of RNA silencing and small RNAs in disease resistance in plants. He has published more than 70 scientific papers including Nature, PNAS, Trends in Plant Science. 


?ュ??浜?锛?Tools and methods for the early detection, detoxification, and prevention of Huanglongbing (HLB) infection of Citrus (??妗?榛?榫????╂??妫?娴???瑙f???棰??茬??宸ュ?峰???规?)
?ュ??浜猴?Michael P. Timko (University of Virginia, USA)
    Dr. Michael P. Timko, Lewis & Clark Professor of Biology, professor of Public Health Science, director of Human Biology Distinguished Major Program. His researches focus on understanding the molecular components and signaling pathways that govern the interaction of the parasitic angiosperms Striga and Alectra with their host species, the phytohormonal and developmental regulation of secondary metabolism in plants, and the development and use of herbal and probiotic-based therapeutics and nutraceuticals for the treatment of human disease. He has published many representative papers on authoritative journals such as Nature Communications.


?ュ??涓?锛?Genetic control of biosynthesis of essential oil in citrus (??妗?绮炬补???╁????????浼??у??
?ュ??浜猴?Wanxia Shen (Southwest University, China)
    Dr. Wanxia Shen, Citrus Research Institute, Southwest University. Her main research topics is genetic and functional study of citrus secondary metabolites.


?ュ????锛?The double-edged sword of Xanthomonas citri sp. citri TAL effectors (????????????姗?榛???????TAL??搴???
?ュ??浜猴?Doron Teper (Agriculture Research Organization - Volcani Center, Israel)
    Dr. Doron Teper, Researcher (level B) in Department of Plant Pathology and Weed Research, Institute of Plant Protection, Agriculture Research Organization (ARO) - Volcani Center, Israel. His researches focus on host adaptation, virulence and epidemiology of the phytopathogen Xanthomonas. He has published many scientific papers on FEMS Microbiology Reviews, PLoS Genetics, PLoS Pathogens, MBio, Molecular Plant Pathology, etc.


?ュ??浜?锛?Genetic and genomic tools in the fight against citrus Huanglongbing (?╃?ㄩ??浼????哄??缁?宸ュ?烽?叉?ф??妗?榛?榫???)
?ュ??浜猴?Fred G. Gmitter Jr (University of Florida, USA)
    Dr. Fred G. Gmitter Jr, professor of horticultural sciences in University of Florida. He has been engaged in the research of citrus breeding and genetics for variety improvement. He has published more than 60 scientific papers including Nature Biotechnology, Nature Communications and the Plant Journal in the past 8 years. Professor Gmitter is a member of the American Society for Horticultural Science, the International Society for Horticultural Science, the International Society of Citriculture, and has been honored as a Distinguished Professor at the University of Florida and a Distinguished Scientist of the Florida Fruit and vegetable Association.


?ュ?????HLB metagenomes and implications to disease management (HLB瀹??哄??缁????跺???瀹抽?叉?х????涔?)
?ュ??浜猴?Jianchi Chen (U.S. Department of Agriculture, USA)
    Dr. Jianchi Chen, Research Molecular Biologist of U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS). His research has mostly been focusing on characterization of fastidious plant pathogenic prokaryotes using traditional cultivation, molecular biology and genomic tools. He is a member of American Phytopathological Society (APS).