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?ユ?锛?妞??╀??ゅ???? ??涓?绉?瀛︾??绌堕?   |  ??瀛?锛?
缂?杈?锛? ?????   |  瀹℃?革?

??妗???瀹崇???╂??缁??у??/span>绯诲??涓?棰?璁插骇涔???妗?涓昏?瀹宠????缁??у?讹?浠??虹??板??ㄧ??绌?br> 涓诲????浣?锛?妞??╀??ゅ???nbsp; ??涓?绉?瀛︾??绌堕??br> ?ュ???堕?达?11??15?ワ?????涓?锛?  


?ュ??涓?锛?Molecular systems for agricultural insect pest control (??涓?瀹宠???叉不????瀛?绯荤?)
?ュ??浜猴?Marc F Schetelig (Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Germany)
    Dr. Marc F Schetelig, professor for Insect Biotechnology in Plant Protection, Institute for Insect Biotechnology, Justus-Liebig University Giessen, research focus on vector and pest insect control, publish several scientific papers on PNAS, Nature Biotechnology, BMC Biology, etc. 


?ュ??浜?锛?Insect Microbiome: from horizontal gene transfer events to domestication (????井???╃?锛?浠?姘村钩?哄??杞?Щ浜?浠跺?伴┋??)
?ュ??浜猴?George Tsiamis (University of Patras, Greece)
    Dr. George Tsiamis, associate professor from the Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Patras, is a researcher whose wider interests include bioenergy, biotechnology, and microflora of plants and animals, He has more than 90 peer-reviewed publications in international journals with an h-index of 30 and more than 5,100 citations.


?ュ??涓?锛?Molecular physiological mechanisms of the resistance and olfactory behavior in Bactrocera dorsalis (妗?灏?瀹????????у????瑙?琛?涓虹????瀛??????哄??
?ュ??浜猴?Hong-Bo Jiang (Southwest University, China)
    Dr. Hong-Bo Jiang, professor and deputy dean for College of Plant Protection, Southwest University. He is interested in the molecular physiology and neurophysiology of the chemoreception in several insect pests and the neurophysiology of the insects under environmental stresses. He published more than 40 papers on PNAS, Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and other journals.


?ュ????锛?Factors affecting biological control of Asian citrus psyllid under endemic huanglongbing (榛?榫???澶ф?琛?涓???姗??ㄨ?辩???╅?叉不??褰卞????绱?)
?ュ??浜猴?Lukasz Stelinski (University of Florida, USA)
    Dr. Lukasz Stelinski, professor of entomology and nematology at Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Citrus Research and Education Center, the University of Florida. His research focuses on the development of integrated management strategies for insect pest control. He published more than 170 scientific papers including Science, Annual Review of Entomology, and PLoS Pathogens.


?ュ??浜?锛?The biocontrol of citrus insect pests in Italy (??澶у?╂??妗?瀹宠???????╅?叉不)
?ュ??浜猴?Lucia Zappalà (University of Catania, Italy)
    Dr. Lucia Zappalà, professor in General and Applied Entomology at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Di3A), Deputy Rector for International Relations ?? Scientific area the University of Catania. Her main research topics are Hymenoptera parasitoids, their biology, and their application as biocontrol agents in agricultural systems, biopesticides, and the side effects of pesticides on natural enemies. She published more than 130 papers with an h-index of 23 and a total number of citations of 2543.


?ュ?????Ubiquitination of cytoskeleton proteins affects CLas infection in Diaphorina citri (缁???楠ㄦ?惰???界??娉?绱???褰卞????姗??ㄨ?辨????CLas????)
?ュ??浜猴?Hai-Zhong Yu (Gannan Normal University, China)
    Dr. Hai-Zhong Yu, Master Instructor in College of Life Sciences, Gannan Normal University. His research focus on pathogen vector and molecular mechanism of plant-pathogen-vector interactions and methods to control citrus diseases caused by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, and Citrus yellow vein clearing virus. He published scientific papers on Insect science and Journal of Invertebrate Pathology.


?ュ??涓?锛?Resistance monitoring, mechanism and management of the Asian citrus psyllid in China (涓??芥??妗??ㄨ?辨?????х??娴????哄?跺??娌荤??)
?ュ??浜猴?Wei Dou (Southwest University, China)
    Dr. Wei Dou, professor for College of Plant Protection, Southwest University. He is focusing on Invertebrate Molecular Ecology, Toxicology, and Pest Management. Targeting the citrus insect pests, especially the oriental fruit fly, citrus red mite, and the Asian citrus psyllid, he is interested in the developmental regulation and adaptation mechanism to environmental stresses like insecticide exposure and extreme temperatures. So far, he published more than 50 papers on PNAS, PLoS Genetics, Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and other journals.